RedBullXP Campaign Project

Young&Hungry Agency collaborate with RedBull
Marketing Mockup and Prototype Designer

Copywriter : Stephon Allen
February - May 2021

What is RedBullXP?

RedBullXP is a initiative to give wings to local gaming communities, by building training grounds for competitors,
marketers/organizers, and game development with local talent and Red Bull’s robust industry network.
These events will take place bimonthly with biweekly workshops and discussions.

It’s Not Just a Game

It's Not Just a Game is an event for early in career professionals who want careers that aren't blue-collar and go against the norm,
then Red Bull XP is the place to be.
The concept of gaming has evolved into a potential career, where you will earn real income while doing something you love.
Having an unconventional career is normal in today's job market.

Tour bus

On the day of the event, these tour buses will take over college quad areas and include live music and RedBull XP experts onsite to explain all the program offers. We will also take advantage of Red Bull's already existing competent such as the Stream Broadcast/Casting Training, Beginner Workshops, Red Bull Emergence Leader Battles, and even a Professional Headshot Booth to freshen up their LinkedIn profiles.

RedBullXP Merchandises

Redbull and Gaming go hand in hand, and a collection of unique merch will help solidify the brand collabs.  The RedBull XP branded merch will be exclusive for attendees of the event and will also be available to people who cannot make the event online after the tour.


So how are people going to know about the tour, you ask. Well before the tour begins, posters will be placed all over the college campuses. These will be teasers of the event and show fun facts regarding the world of gaming and show how far it has come, especially in pop culture. They will include QR codes for people to learn a little more about the program.

Inside Tour bus

This is the interior of one of the tour buses. It will include all the gaming equipment and show how a Red Bull XP class would look.
It's a teaser of what is to come for the program. Another area of the bus participants will be able to purchase Red Bull XP merchandise and equipment.


We thought it would be fun to pass out these pamphlets to the college guidance counselors and give these out to students who may not know exactly what they want to do with their careers. The pamphlet would include all the different jobs within gaming and additional information about the Red Bull XP program.


Our next idea is an event called Red Eye. Red Eye is a  dynamic and adventuresome event that will contain high energy throughout. Red Bull XP will recognize everything to honor the "wings" that Red Bull gives to its customer. Airplane hangars will facilitate the activities to include giant gaming screens and red bull air fliers.

Airplane hangar event

As stated before, we will use airplane hangars to hold our event. People will be playing the games and other fun activities together throughout the hangar. The air hangars will include giant screens playing all flight games to push forward the concept of flight. Red Bull XP reps will be walking the event dressed in air jumpsuits interacting and signing participants for the course program. There will be pauses and intermissions during the gameplay where we will show different questions from the  Red Bull XP program and have participants answer to win prizes during the event.

Social Network

Potential participants will be first communicated through job listing sites such as Facebook Jobs, LinkedIn, and Indeed to attract those career seekers and give them an event that they haven't seen before.


This is just an example of one of the intermission periods where we will discuss the program and all that it offers. .


To give participants a break from the screen, we will have Red Bull skydivers put on a show to expand the idea of flight during the Red Eye event.
This idea will keep in line with the level of extreme Red Bull brings to its events.


Our next big idea is called "In the Game" Followers will run all over the San Francisco Bay Area streets, trying to find these gaming popup spots.
Clues will be shared socially to create a cat and mouse chase of fun. The clues will include questions from the RedBull XP programs ranging from the gaming to the marketing program.

Pop-up event

Depending on the location, screen size would be considered, so for example, open spaces would include a larger screen for visibility, and more intimate areas will consist of these cool gaming cube areas. Red Bull XP experts will be onsite to answer any questions and keep the energy up. This event will include breaks, and on the screen, it will show what the RedBull XP program is all about and have Q&A sessions.


Just like in many video games where branding is placed on posters,  we will be put these posters up in the surrounding area of gaming area setups, so this will let followers know they're in the right direction.  
Also, for people who don't know about the event, the QR code will direct followers to the RedBull XP Twitter, where it explains it all.


This is an example of what the site can look like. We thought it would be cool to see where all these pop up were located. Gives a visual to the game popup hunt.